10 year old Sara Sharif suffered a constellation of injuries

10 year old Sara Sharif suffered a constellation of injuries


Dead UK minor suffered ‘constellation of injuries’, court told

10-year-old Sara Sharif suffered a constellation of injuries

A UK minor who died in 2017 suffered a ‘constellation of injuries’, a court has been told.

The child, who cannot be called for acknowledged reasons, was begin asleep at their home. A post-mortem examination found that the child had died from assorted injuries, including a burst skull, internal bleeding, and bruising.

The court has been told that the child’s injuries were constant with actuality physically abused. The child’s mother and stepfather accept been answerable with murder and manslaughter.

The trial is ongoing.

What is a ‘constellation of injuries’?

A ‘constellation of injuries’ is a term used to call a arrangement of injuries that are constant with abuse. These injuries may be begin on different parts of the body and may be at different stages of healing.

Some accepted ‘constellation of injuries’ associated with child corruption include:

  •  Fractures to the arms, legs, ribs, and skull
  •  Able-bodied on the face, neck, chest, back, and buttocks
  •  Burns and bite marks
  •  Internal bleeding
  •  Head injuries

What are the signs of child abuse?

There are a number of signs that may announce that a child is actuality abused. These signs include:

  •  Physical injuries, such as bruises, fractures, and burns
  •  Changes in behavior, such as acceptable aloof or aggressive
  •  Difficulty sleeping or eating
  •  Bedwetting or soiling
  •  Nightmares
  •  Fear of assertive bodies or places

If you are concerned that a child is actuality abused, what should you do?

If you are concerned that a child is actuality abused, you should address your concerns to the adapted authorities. This may be the police, child careful services, or a academy counselor.

If you are borderline whether or not to address your concerns, it is consistently best to err on the side of attention and address them. It is important to bethink that you do not charge to accept affidavit of corruption in adjustment to accomplish a report.

How can we anticipate child abuse?

There are a number of things that can be done to anticipate child abuse. These include:

  •  Educating parents about the signs and symptoms of child abuse
  •  Providing support services for families who are struggling
  •  Creating safe and admiring environments for children
  •  Addressing the basis causes of child abuse, such as abjection and calm violence


Child corruption is a serious problem that can accept adverse after-effects for victims. If you are concerned that a adolescent is actuality abused, it is important to address your concern to the adapted authorities.

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